Personality and Mindset

Life is a rollercoaster - it’s better with friends! Whenever you join a new team, understanding how personalities mix is crucial. It’s all about getting along and working together.


Can one be helpful and candid in the workplace? I think so. Here are some of my core values:

  • Intrinsic Respect: Every person has intrinsic value and is worthy of respect. (People before process.)
  • Experimentation: Life is a series of experiments. (Value in incremental progress.)
  • Servant Leadership: See below for more.
  • Embrace Change: Adapt and thrive.
  • Face Challenges: Always do what you are afraid of.
"Always do what you are afraid to do." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Servant Leadership

I am a strong advocate for servant leadership in the workplace. In corporate environments, this approach is about creating a space where people can express their authentic selves, fostering open communication and valuing diverse perspectives. When employees feel safe and supported, they are empowered to perform at their highest potential. By prioritizing the needs of others, leaders not only build trust and loyalty but also unlock a world of opportunities for innovation and growth. For instance, authentic, empowered teams often experience higher engagement and collaboration, leading to exceptional results. Servant leadership transforms the workplace into a thriving, dynamic environment where everyone can succeed.

"When the best leader's work is done the people say, 'We did it ourselves.'” - Tao Te Ching - Laozi

Servant leadership might best be exemplified in the book ‘Leaders Eat Last’ by Simon Sinek. The core values of servant leadership are:

  • Empathy:
    • Understanding and sharing the feelings of others.
    • Actively listening and showing genuine care for team members’ concerns and perspectives.
  • Healing:
    • Focusing on the emotional and psychological well-being of others.
    • Promoting a supportive environment that helps individuals grow.
  • Awareness:
    • Maintaining a high level of self-awareness and awareness of others.
    • Recognizing the impact of one’s actions and decisions on the team.
  • Persuasion:
    • Using influence and persuasion rather than authority to lead.
    • Encouraging collaboration and building consensus to achieve goals.
  • Conceptualization:
    • Thinking beyond day-to-day operations to understand and envision the big picture.
    • Balancing short-term needs with long-term goals and strategies.
  • Foresight:
    • Anticipating future trends and consequences based on past experiences and current realities.
    • Making informed decisions to guide the organization towards sustainable success.
  • Stewardship:
    • Taking responsibility for the well-being of the organization and its members.
    • Acting as a caretaker, ensuring ethical use of resources and serving the needs of the community.
  • Commitment to the Growth of People:
    • Investing in the personal and professional development of team members.
    • Providing opportunities for learning, growth, and advancement.
  • Building Community:
    • Fostering a sense of belonging and collaboration within the team and the broader community.
    • Encouraging teamwork, mutual respect, and collective effort.


The following are excerpts from a recent TTI Talent Insights Report.

What kind of animal are you? “I think I’m some kind of friendly visionary badger.” - Tim Goeke

Behavioral Characteristics

  • Daring and Bold: You are often considered a risk-taker and an individualist who seeks your own solutions to problems.
    • I am a risk-taker and individualist who seeks innovative solutions, while continuously seeking feedback to improve collaborative decision-making.
  • Visionary: You embrace visions not always seen by others, allowing you to see the "big picture."
  • Confident: Your self-confidence can sometimes be perceived as arrogance, and you have high ego strengths.
  • Result-Oriented: You are forward-looking, aggressive, competitive, and deadline-conscious, often becoming irritated if deadlines are delayed or missed.
  • Decisive: You prefer authority equal to your responsibility, making decisions quickly and objectively.
  • Independent: You value your own opinion over others and prefer subordinates who communicate clearly and precisely.
  • Impatient: You tend to be intolerant of ambiguity or slow-thinking people and may lack patience in communication.
    • I am actively working on improving my tolerance and patience in communication through mindfulness and active listening techniques.

Value to the Organization

  • Future-Oriented: You are forward-looking and initiate activities with a competitive and tough-minded approach.
  • Innovative: You bring innovation and tenacity to the organization.
  • Efficient: You are dedicated to achieving results and maintaining efficiency in the work environment.

Communication Style

  • Direct and Business-Focused: You prefer clear, concise, and fact-based communication and can be seen as pushy or critical if the conversation strays from business.
  • Independent Decision-Maker: You prefer to make your own decisions based on facts and figures rather than relying on others' opinions.

Driving Forces

  • Intellectual: Driven by opportunities to learn, acquire knowledge, and discover the truth.
  • Selfless: Focused on completing tasks for the sake of completion with little expectation of personal return.
  • Objective: Driven by functionality and objectivity in your surroundings.
  • Receptive: Open to new ideas, methods, and opportunities that fall outside traditional systems.


  • Problem-Solving: You thrive on solving tough problems and are persistent in your efforts.
  • Leadership: You are good at directing others and challenging the status quo.
  • Adaptability: Comfortable with mobility and juggling different projects.


  • Impatience: You may make snap decisions without all the necessary information and struggle with routine or repetitive tasks.
  • Critical Nature: Can be overly critical and pushy in communication.
    • I recognize my tendency to be critical and am working on fostering more constructive and empathetic communication.
  • Workaholic Tendencies: You may focus too much on getting things done, sometimes at the expense of others' input or well-being.
    • Acknowledging my workaholic tendencies, I am striving to balance productivity with team collaboration and well-being.