Gradle: Zer0 to Her0

I foolishly agreed to host a live demo and we built a gradle project. This is a workshop I’ve done a few times now.


Gradle: Zer0 to Her0


  • Understand and read Gradle builds.
  • Gain a foundation for building projects.
  • Understand Java/JVM project structure.
  • Learn from other builds and enhance your own.


What is it?

  • All Java programs need to be compiled, referred to as building.
  • As Java complexity increased, build systems were created.
  • Build systems now orchestrate tests and other activities, becoming developer automation systems.

The Showdown

  • Comparison between different build systems.
  • Preference for Gradle due to:
    • A build language vs. build XML.
    • Android's preference for Gradle (and Kotlin).
    • Approachability for developers coming from JavaScript build systems.



  • Plugins
  • Repositories
  • Artifactory
  • Dependencies
  • Settings
  • Multi Module

Project Layout

src/main/{java resources} src/test/{java resources}

src/main/kotlin src/main/scala src/test/kotlin src/test/scala


  • Distribution: Look in build/libs.
  • Test Report: Available at build/reports/tests/test/index.html.

Extra Sections

  • Buildscript
  • Env
  • Plugin Configuration

Other Things

  • Gradle properties: Allows configuration for different environments (dev, test, etc.).
